
Plants of Ash Island – complied by Elizabeth Burton

Select the catagories below or scroll down to view:-

Trees Shrubs Scramblers Creepers, climbers and twinersFerns Parasites Mangroves Rushes, sedges and reedsWetland herbsWoodland herbs

Habitat key
RF  = rainforest — W  = woodland — FW = freshwater wetland — SW = saltwater wetland — M  = mangrove


SpeciesCommon NameDescriptionHabitat
Acmena smithiiLillypilly, Coochin-Coochin*Small bushy tree, cream flowers, white or purple round fruit.RF
Acronychia oblongifoliaLemon Aspen, Baurella*Small tree, oblong leaves, white flowers, white fruitRF
Alectryon subcinereusBirdseye, Wild QuinceSmall tree, green capsules splitting to reveal a black seed covered with a bright red aril.RF
Alphitonia excelsaRed Ash, Coraming*Small to medium tree, black globular fruitRF
Callistemon salignusWhite Bottlebrush, Bood-Jong*Medium tree, white bottlebrush flowers, pink new growth.RF,W
Capparis arboreaNative Caper, Douguru*Small tree, large white fragrant flowers.RF
Cassine australis Red Olive PlumSmall tree, bright orange or red ovoid fruit.RF
Casuarina glauca Swamp Oak, Karakanbr**Large tree with rough bark and needle-like foliage.RF, W
Clerodendrum tomentosumHairy Clerodendrum, Thurkoo*Small to medium tree, white flowers, bright red sepalsRF
Cupaniopsis anacardioidesTuckeroo, Yoworro*Small to medium spreading tree, orange-yellow three-lobed capsuleRF
Diospyros australisBlack Plum, Bowra*Shrub or small tree, shiny black elliptic fruitRF
Dysoxylum fraserianumRosewood, Moncondie*Small to medium tree, cream flowers, round pinkish fruitRF
Elaeocarpus obovatusBlueberry Ash, Hard Quandong, Woolah*Tall tree, small blue round fruit.RF
Eucalyptus robustaSwamp Mahogany, Burrooma**Dark green large leaves, fibrous bark, cream flowers.W
Ficus coronataCreek Sandpaper Fig, Wallamba**Small tree, sandpapery leaves.RF
Ficus fraseriSandpaper Fig, Djaribat**Small tree, large shiny sandpapery leaves.RF
Ficus rubiginosaRusty Fig, Port Jackson Fig, Warrauka*Large tree, large shiny leaves.RF
Geijera latifoliaBroad-leafed Scrub WilgaErect tree with bushy crownRF
Geijera salicifoliaNarrow-leafed Scrub Wilga, Koka*Medium treeRF
Glochidion fredinandi Cheese TreeDensely bushy tree, green turning reddish capsules resembling a cheese wheel.RF
Hymenosporum flavumNative Frangipanni, Wollum-Wollum**A showy tree, fragrant cream flowers turning yellow.RF
Melaleuca styphelioidesPrickly Tea Tree, Bellbourie**Large shrub or tree, prickly leaves, white flowers.RF,W
Melia azedarach White Cedar, Korrabakh**Large deciduous tree, purple flowers, yellow fruit in bunches.RF
Melicope micrococca DoughwoodSmall tree, clusters of cream flowers, brown capsules.RF
Notolaea longifoliaLarge Mock Olive, Bulgarn*Medium tree, yellow flowers, bluish-black egg-shaped fruit..RF
Pararchidendron pruinosum var. pruinosum Snow-woodSmall tree, white flowers aging to orange, orange twisted seed pods.RF
Pittosporum undulatumSweet Pittosporum, Mock Orange, Dinjin*Large tree, white fragrant flowers, orange-yellow round fruit.RF
Planchonella australisBlack AppleLarge tree, blue-black plum-like fruit, large dark-green leaves.RF
Podocarpus elatusPlum Pine, Brown Pine, Gurra-Warra*Large tree, bluish plum-like stalk with a seed at the top.RF
Polyscias elegans Celery Wood, Undambie*Tall tree with umbrella-shaped crown, purple fruit in large clusters at the tree-top.RF
Rhysotoechia bifoliolataTwo-leafed TuckerooMedium tree, smooth yellow three-lobed capsules.RF
Scolopia brauniiFlintwoodMedium tree, berry dark red turning black,RF
Streblus brunonianusWhalebone, Laguebie*Small tree, small round yellow fruit.RF
Toona ciliataRed Cedar, Woodgie*Large deciduous tree with a wide spreading crown.RF


SpeciesCommon NameDescriptionHabitat
Citriobatus pauciflora Orange ThornSmall prickly shrub with round orange berries.RF
Croton verreauxii Green Native CascarillaCream flowers in spikes, bright orange old leaves.RF
Indigofera australis Australian IndigoSpindly, soft leaves of leaflets, pink pea flowersW
Omalanthus nutans Bleeding HeartShrub to small tree, heart-shaped leaves, purple capsules.RF
Melaleuca ericifolia Swamp Paperbark, Piyerbang*Shrub with fine leaves and white flowers in spring.W
Melaleuca nodosa Prickly-leaved Paperbark, Yuppee**Large shrub, sharp pointed narrow leaves, cream ball flowers. W
Pittosporum revolutumRough PittosporumSmall shrub, yellow rough fruit opening to reveal red sticky seeds.RF
Trema asperaPoison Peach, Dinjin*Small shrub, small finely-toothed leaves, small shiny round black fruit.RF


SpeciesCommon NameDescriptionHabitat
Celastrus subspicataLarge-leaved Staff VineClimbing shrub, orange fruit.RF
Cissus antarcticaWater Vine, Careunga*Vigorous climber with blue-black berries.RF
Jasminum volubileStiff Jasmine, Boggy-Boggy*Climbing shrub with fragrant white flowers and shiny black berries.RF
Maclura cochinchinensisCockspur ThornVigorous scrambler, thorns, and orange fleshy fruit.RF

Creepers, climbers and twiners 

SpeciesCommon NameDescriptionHabitat
Calystegia marginataDainty twiner with white flowersRF
Cassytha glabellaDevil’s Twine, Natcha*Semi-parasitic twiner, yellowish-greenRF
Cayratia clematideaSlender Grape, Mor-Bir**Climber with tendrils and black round berries.RF
Clematis aristataOld Man’s Beard, Traveller’s Joy, Minamberang*Woody climber with white flowers in springRF
Cynanchum elegansWhite Cynanchum, Thooromia*Twiner with dainty white flowers, oblong green seed-pods.RF
Eustrephus latifoliusWombat Berry, Wambaj*Understorey twiner with yellow berries.RF
Geitenoplesium cymosum Scrambling LilyUnderstorey twiner with pale pink flowers and black berries.RF
Hardenbergia violaceaPurple Coral Pea, Waraburra*Climber with purple pea flowersRF
Kennedia rubicundaDusky Coral PeaVigorous climber with dark red pea flowers.RF
Pandorea pandorana Wonga VineVigorous climber, clusters of small cream tubular flowers.RF
Parsonsia stramineaCommon SilkpodWoody vine, cream hairy tubular flowers, long seed pod.RF


SpeciesCommon NameDescriptionHabitat
Azolla filiculoidesPacific AzollaFern on water surface.FW
Marsilea drummondiiCommon NardooWetland fern with four leafletsFW
Pellaea falcataSickle FernErect fronds with 10 to 40 pairs of leaflets.W
Platycerium bifurcatumElkhorn, Cowar*Epiphyte, pendulous forked leavesRF


SpeciesCommon NameDescriptionHabitat
Amyena cambagei Needle MistletoeLong thin rounded leaves, deep pink flowers.RF, W
Amyena congener Mistletoe, Bhangeary*Oblong rounded leaves, yellow and red flowers.RF
Lysiana exocarpi var. tenuis MistletoeLong slender leaves, red and green flowers.W


SpeciesCommon NameDescriptionHabitat
Aegiceras corniculatumRiver MangroveSmall and multi-stemmed M
Avicennia marina ssp. australisicaGrey Mangrove, Goe-On**Large single-trunked tree with pneumataphores.M

Rushes, sedges and reeds

SpeciesCommon NameDescriptionHabitat
Juncus krausii ssp. australiensisSea Rush, Bittrow*Tussock-forming rushFW
Juncus usitatusPale Sedge, Dullwarrina*Medium sedgeFW
Typha orientalisBroad-leaf Cumbungi, Maranda*Tall rush, brown velvet seed heads.FW

Wetland herbs

SpeciesCommon NameDescriptionHabitat
Mimulus repensCreeping Monkey-flowerMat-forming with purple and yellow flowers.FW
Sarcorconia quinquefloraGlasswort, SamphireFleshy blue-green or reddish segmented stems.SW
Suaeda australisSeabliteFleshy bright-green clumps.SW
Tetragonia tetragonoidesWarrigal Cabbage, Birira*Prostrate, broad leaves.SW
Triglochin proceraWater Ribbons, Wanna*Ribbon-like leaves, flower spike.FW
Triglochin striatumStreaked Arrowgrass, Anamum*Tufted grass-like, flower spike.SW

Woodland herbs

SpeciesCommon NameDescriptionHabitat
Commelina cyaneaScurvy WeedBright blue flowers.W,RF
Crinum pedunculatumSpider Lily, Warrkarr*Broad strap-like leaves and large white flowers..W,RF
Dichondra repensKidney WeedMat-forming, with greenish-white flowers.W,RF
Geranium homeanumGeraniumPale pink flowers.W,RF
Peperomia leptostachyaPepper Plant, Mao-Warang*Succulent low-growing herb.W,RF
Pratia purpurascensWhiteroot
Dark green leaves, white fan-shaped flowers
Pseuderanthemum variabilePastel FlowerDark green leaves, mauve or white flowers with purple spots.W,RF
Ranunculus sessiflorusButtercupFine leaves, bright yellow flowersW,RF
Viola hederaceaeNative VioletDark green kidney-shaped leaves, purple and white flowersW,RF

   * Aboriginal names provided by Carol Ridgeway-Bissett of the Maaiangal Aboriginal Heritage Inc.
   * Names in the Katang language except for those marked ** which are in the Worimi language.

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